
Friday, May 12, 2017

Wine Infographic: Wine Storage/Aging Cheat Sheet

New in the wine cheat sheet series:  storing and aging wine.  Here's your quick reference for how to store wine, which wines age well, and when to drink most wines.

To see the Cheat Sheet in full size…
…in Internet Explorer, right click on it and select “open in new tab.”
…in Chrome, right click on it and select “open link in new tab.”
…in Firefox, right click on it and select “view image.”


  1. Very informative. This would help me learn to properly store my upcoming wines where I ordered online. Thank you for sharing this information.

    top quality wines

  2. Absolutely a precious topic you explored here for the wine fans and follows. As you will find a numerous varieties of wine in the industry, the taste and flavor may vary from age to age or new or old wine. Just discovered your wine cheat sheet treasures and impressed with the guides and tips you unveiled for us. Surely this will be loved by the wineries and wine lover or even a sommelier. Oh, as a wine fan, it's an alluring think to get the job opportunity in this industry. But is it Ligit? if this is legit, I want this job. Can you please bring a new focus on the issue of being a sommelier- legit or not in your future post? Thanks in advance for your time.


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